Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 13, The Rocket Science Institute presents Frank Heron's Night Shift unfinished art script 29, by Roger Connah / Frank Heron / Raketa institute

The Rocket Science Institute
Frank Heron’s Night Shift
Unfi nished
Art Script 29

S c e n e 1
After Midnight
Three or four Rocket Art Orphans are chosen to go on the night
shift, to attend, monitor, collaborate with, help, talk to,
discuss ‘life’ and ‘art’ in three or four following situations.
Each Raketa Art Orphan will fi lm their experience and record
their discussions and must negotiate and document all procedure,
permissions, rejections and diffi culties.

Traffi c Cops in Stockholm
the orphan is to contact the police and explain these ideas about
the ‘night shift’ meanwhile arranging to accompany a police car
for an agreed period in the night. All events are possible.

Casualty/Emergency Department, Central Hospital
likewise the orphan is to contact and arrange to spend
some few hours after midnight in the Casualty Department,
and must be prepared to lend a lend where necessary.

Woman’s hostel, refuge, alcohol, de-tox, drug rehab centre
The orphan must gain access and spend the early morning
hours at such a centre recording all situations and helping
whenever sanctuary is needed or a domestic fl ares up.

Stockholm City: Advertisement Hoarding Changers
Negotiate with the city and accompany those workers
Contracted by the City of Stockholm who go around at night
and replace some of the big advertisements/billboards.

S c e n e 2

The Day
Café Rival, Stockholm
The Rocket Art Orphans experiencing the night shift then meet
up afterwards in Café Rival and decide in what way they can use
their experiences, share their fi lms and how they might edit them
into one fi lm or then counter this material with material and
documents from somewhere else.

Scene 3
The Screening at Midnight in Nytorget at a date in the future to be agreed
between the city and The Rocket Art Institute. Preceded by the song
After Midnight by Eric Clapton, closed by as many versions that can be
found of Lou Reed’s song ‘Beautiful Day’.
Raketa in collaboration with Frank Heron
Part of the Frank Heron Artscripts & User Manuals Series © 2008
Night Shift Project, Stockholm 2008